Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Shack VS Mark Driscoll

I watched today a Youtube response by Mark Driscoll to the high selling book, The Shack.  Mark Driscoll is grounded heavily in doctrine, which I respect, but I don't agree with him that we should put aside anything and everything that is doctrinally problematic.  He points out the flaws in the book very easily, and rightly too, might I say.  The treatment of The Trinity in The Shack is nice, beautiful even, but not very accurate - BUT it doesn't try to be.  Nowhere does the author state:  "These views are my understanding of God, and by reading this book, so too do they become yours!"

If you want to see his message, follow this hyperlink to his youtube chanel and video:  MARK DRISCOLL

My response to his video can be found below.  Peace to all, Ian.

"Who do you think you are to stop people from exploring these things in their search of who God is? We can and should guide peoples thinking and engage them in conversation and instill into them (in time) the value of scripture and doctrine, but this book treats God with greater respect than most of the other market stalls that people go to for answers these days (internet..TV...Youtube...atheist family...The Simpsons...). No, I do not believe the theistic nuances of The Shack, but it doesn't try to answer all things...unlike you are trying to do here - which is, I suppose, a little uncharitable, but I suspect is the truth."

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