Monday, August 16, 2010

The importance of Apologetics

I consider Ravi Zacharias the greatest Christian apologist of our lifetime.  His ability to respond to, explore and explain the realities of the Christian faith are profound in their logic and accessible to those of us without the Christian education that he has.  In an interview on FOX News, he was asked “What if I can’t believe in God because of the harshness of life and because evil and suffering exists in our world?”

This is a common and important question in the life of both individuals and communities.  His answer dealt with life, meaning, morality and destiny, was concise and well worth checking out. Simply type 'Ravi losing-faith FOX NEWS' into your search engine and click on the video response.  It is 5 minutes well spent. Ravi Zacharias explains in 'Has Christianity Failed You?'
I have several of his lectures on DVD, as well as some of his books - I highly recommend them, or you can read more at:

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